Art Bar: Milk Chocolate & Candied Pecans


Milk chocolate and Candied pecans is a decadent and irresistible treat that combines the creamy sweetness of milk chocolate with the crunchy and nutty flavour of sugar coated pecans. The milk chocolate used in this bar is rich, smooth and creamy, with a delicate sweetness that perfectly complements the sweet and nutty flavour of the Candied pecans. The candied coating adds a satisfying crunch and sweetness to the pecans that pairs well with the creaminess of the milk chocolate. The combination of chocolate and pecans creates a perfect balance of flavours, making it a satisfying and delicious treat. This chocolate is perfect for those looking for a sweet and satisfying treat, and for those who appreciate the combination of creamy milk chocolate and nutty flavours. It’s perfect to enjoy as a mid-day snack or paired with a cup of coffee or tea. It’s also a great gift for anyone who loves milk chocolate and pecans.

Because each bar is a hand painted piece of art, Colors change with each production round, offering a little surprise inside each wrapper.

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